ELA international

The European Association against Leukodystrophies (ELA) was founded in France by Guy Alba in 1992 Since then, ELA Associations have been established in 8 countries. Each association carry out the same objectives: support and help families, fund medical research on leukodystrophies, raise public awareness about these rare diseases, and expend the association internationally.
In 2015, ELA Belgium, ELA France, ELA Luxembourg, and ELA Switzerland created ELA International to mutualize their resources in the fight against Leukodystrophies.
ELA International has 2 essential missions :

  • Organize and fund research on leukodystrophies
  • Support ELA associations in their development.

ELA International supports the development of research in the field of leukodystrophies and myelin repair by funding research and clinical projects and by organizing scientific conferences.
Today, ELA International has funded 558 research projects on leukodystrophies, for 47,55 million euros.
